Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I had a very interesting evening at Target tonight.  Why do all the weirdos come and find me?  Do I have a weirdo magnet somewhere on my body?  Like I said I was at Target tonight and there was this man in front of me in the check out line.  The best way I can describe the way this man looked is he looked like a child toucher.  From now on I will refer to him as Chester.  Chester had a pair of skin tight sweatpants on.  You know the kind the ones with the elastic on the bottom of the legs.  The worst part of Chester's sweatpants was the  outline line of his junk bulging out of his pants.  Chester decided he needed to talk to me.  Chester thought he could make small talk with me in line I don't make small talk.  Well Chester starts asking me how my day was and some other stupid questions.  I finally stopped him and asked him if I knew him and he said no so my response to that answer was "Why are you talking to me".  At this point he finally turned back around and I did not have to look at his bulging sweatpants anymore.